12 Jurus Jitu Meroketkan BisnisRahasia Meraih Kesuksesan Bisnis Lebih Cepat dari yang Anda Bayangkan
Komentar Buku : * In this powerful book, Ellies Sutrisna shares the formula for taking your business to levels of success you may never have dreamed possible. Her masterful makes 12 SMART WAYS TO ROCKET YOUR BUSINESS a most enjoyable as well as must readCampbell Fraser, Co-Creator, FocalPoint Business Coaching Powered by Brian Tracy* This fast-moving book gives you proven and practical ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately to increase your sales and profitabilityBrian Tracy - Best selling books, Professional speaker and business coach* Which is more dangerous? Flying a rocket or driving a car? The answer depends on who is driving. Which is more dangerous? A well trained rocket pilot or someone driving a car for the very first time? So you see, anything is dangerous and difficult when you are not well trained. On the other hand, anything is possible when you are well trained, especially when you are trained coach. This book is exactly all of the above. You will learn proven meghodologies by an experience coach, trainer and entrepreneur - to take off and rocket your business to greater heights! Excellent flight instructions! Must read!"James Gwee - Indonesia"s Favourite Seminar Speaker & Trainer* "Buku penting untuk Sukses. Baik untuk Bisnis maupun Pribadi. Beli, Pelajari dan Praktekan. Sukses untuk Anda!"Tung DesemWaringin - Penulis Buku Terlaris Rekor MURI Financial Revolution dan Merketing Revolution* Mereka yang ingin memulai bisnis dan mereka yang ingin menata bisnisnya agar tumbuh dan berkembang lebih jauh, perlu membaca buku ini. Profesional yang akan berbisnis, pemilik bisnis dan keluarganya akan menikmati buku ini. Bacalah! = Andrias Harefa, Penulis 35 Buku Best-seller dan Trainer Coach yang beralamat di http://www.andriasharefa.com
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